

新西蘭遊學團 Day 5

Today we did a lot of exercise. In the morning, we had PE lesson. In the lesson, we warmed up with a game of tag. After warm up, we played a game called rebound ball. It was a lot of fun and we all ran around a lot. After PE lesson, we went back to the classroom and learned about volcanos in New Zealand. After that, we had our morning tea. After morning tea, Ms. Hannah took us for a long walk. We walked around the neighborhood and stopped at a look-out. This look-out has a wonderful view of the city. It was very pretty up there. The neighborhood around the school is also very nice. We all enjoyed this walk very much. Then, we had lunch with our buddies. After lunch, we went with our buddies again for lessons. Today, some of us had social studies, English, PE, and Science. We are having a wonderful time here.