

中法文化交流日 2018-2019 Day 12

Getting up so early, we took the Metro to the Montmartre, which is exceedingly renowned for tourists. Standing there, we could have a bird’s eye view of Paris, including the top of the Eiffel Tower. Never had we seen such a magnificent view. We also visited Sacre Coeur which is a Catholic church. Everything inside the church is classic and historic.

Besides, we found a lot of artists doing people’s portraits. As we walked around the area, we found many nice paintings and portraits. This is a place filled with artistic atmosphere. We bought most of the souvenirs in the small shops and it was such a hard job for us as all shops are selling unique souvenirs.

After lunch, we went shopping in the area near Opera Garnier. Most of the goods there were so expensive and luxurious that we could not really buy anything. However, it is an interesting experience to see different shops in large shopping malls. Actually, the shops inside the shopping malls are quite similar to those in Hong Kong. We finally discovered something in Paris which looks like Hong Kong.

Dinner was specially chosen tonight as we ate in a local restaurant making egg benedict. The restaurant name ‘Benedict’ suggested the speciality of the restaurant. Each of us ordered the kind of egg benedict we like and we enjoyed the dinner very much. The meal is so delicious that everyone would definitely eat there again.