

中法文化交流日 2018-2019 Day 8

There was a sorching sun in the sky while we were walking in the small town called Saint-Emilion. It is half an hour away from Bordeaux. The old town is a world heritage as well as a place for wine lovers. There are a lot of shops and we bought many souvenirs such as postcards, fridge magnets and keychains. We entered an old church which is so magnificent there.

At lunch, we had a picnic on a piece of grassland under the shade of some trees. Although we were exhausted due to the heat wave, we still enjoy the trip as the food prepared by the French students is special. After lunch, some of us played games with the French students. The whole area was filled with laughters. For dinner, the Principal of College St Jean delivered pizzas to us! How surprising! We spent the night together eating pizzas, chatting with each other and sharing our feelings about the French tour. We were so deeply immersed in a cosy and harmonious atmosphere.