

中法文化交流日 2018-2019 Day 7

Today is the seventh day of the French tour.Firstly, we hopped on a coach with French teachers and students to the great dune of Pyla which has a vast beach and a magnificent view of the ocean. Unlike the beaches in Hong Kong, the beach here has an enormous sand dune, which is unique and we have never seen it before in Hong Kong. Despite the heat wave, we feel pretty relaxed and delighted. As the view is amazing and the French students were truly friendly and nice to us, we have a really good time there.

The second destination is Lamarque which is a large-scale chateau. We attended a Rotary Club banquet and met many different groups of people with social status. We staged our performances such as guzheng and Putonghua solo-verse performance. Receiving a lot of applause, we feel sincerely honoured and jubilant. It is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for us.

This is a unforgettable day for us. We will always keep these experiences in our memory.