


It is a great pleasure to have had the Independent Police Complaints Council (“IPCC”) and 
the Immigration Department (“ID”) hold a talk for our LCP ID Youth Leaders on the fair and
 impartial role the IPCC plays in police accountability. Our Principal Tsang took the opportunity
 to remind our students to be responsible citizens and cherish and respect the services of the IPCC.


很榮幸得到獨立監察警方處理投訴委員會 (監警會) 和入境事務處 (入境處) 為本校的「靚中入境處青少年領袖團」
 舉辦了一場關於監警會在警察問責制中發揮的公平公正角色演講。 曾校長亦藉此機會提醒同學們做個負責任的公民,珍惜和尊重監警會的服務。