


Our LCP ID Youth Leaders visited the CityU CLP Power Low Carbon Energy Education Centre on 18 October and spent time to learn about the responsible use of traditional energy and low carbon energy — wind, hydro, solar, natural gas and nuclear — under the balancing act of reliable and safe supply, reasonable pricing and impact on the environment.  Our students showed our enthusiasm to the topic by actively answering presenter’s questions and asking thoughtful follow-up queries.


「靚中入境處青少年領䄂團」於 10 月 18 日參觀了城大中華電力低碳能源教育中心,當中學習了如何在平衡可靠和安全的供應、合理的定價和對環境的影響三個因素下有責任地使用傳統能源和低碳能源,例如風能、水能、太陽能、天然氣和核能。 學生在過程中積極回答演講者的提問,並提出深思熟慮的後續問題,展示了他們對該主題的關心及了解。