

中法文化交流日 2018-2019 Day 13-14

Today is our last day in France but our day is still as wonderful as the previous ones. In the morning, we walked to a famous park which is surrounded with art galleries. There is a classic fountain in the middle and a big piece of grassland. The environment is so green and comfortable. Although it's a weekday, there were still many people there. Some people were reading while others were chatting with their friends. Unlike Hong Kong, we seldom find people playing on their mobile phones here. Instead, most French people enjoy simply lying on the grassland under the bright sunshine. It is so relaxing!

After lunch, we went to Arc de Triomphe. The significant feature of the Arc is that many solider sculptures were carved on the two pillars. This Arc has recorded a lot of French history. The Arc de Triomphe is very close to a famous shopping area — Avenue des Champs-Elysees. We spent about two hours doing some shopping there. However, everything is expensive and we could not really afford to buy anything there. We still enjoyed the time there as we could end the trip with a luxurious window shopping experience. That’s so unforgettable to us!

We will keep this French tour in our memory forever as it is such a wonderful and unforgettable experience.