

中法文化交流日 2018-2019 Day 6

At the beginning of the day, we set off to Bordeaux by train with French teachers and students. There are a lot of classical buildings which are very gorgeous and spectacular. One of the most impressive architecture we visited is an old Catholic church. The stained glasses are very brilliant and colorful. The streets are not so crowded but the shopping area is obviously busier than Pauillac. There is a wide variety of shops such as cosmetics shops and apparel stores. For lunch, we went to a boat restaurant. We are so over the moon as we have a chance to taste French cuisines again.

After that, we went to visit La Cite du Vin Museum. The visit is certainly an extraordinary one. We learn how to make wine and read about some wine history in the museum. Everything in the museum is very interesting and appealing to us. We also went to the highest floor to enjoy the beautiful view. It is very wonderful and memorable.

In the evening, we went to the Harvest Hall of Chateau Lynch-Bages to stage our performance with the purpose of sharing Chinese culture with the French. It is the first time for us to have performed in front of the French audience. What surprised us most was that Mr and Mrs Carzes joined the dinner and appreciated our performance. We are grateful that the guests are so nice and leave us positive comments.

This is a unforgettable day for us. We will always keep these experiences in our memory.