

中法文化交流日 2018-2019 Day 5

We went to Chateau Ormez de Pez which is really big and spectacular. The process of wine-making was clearly explained and we fully understand how wine is made. The only disappointing moment is that we cannot taste wine because we are not adults! However, the whole visit is certainly an eye-opening experience to us.

At lunch, we had a picnic in a meadowland. Once again, we find French families very nice as they show their love by bringing us some local food to eat.

We are so happy to have a chance to visit Animalia Parc after lunch. We fed animals such as geese, ducks, sheep, cows, pigs and even deers there. Although the weather is really hot , we still enjoy ourselves a lot. The welcome dinner with French students and teachers at Cafe Lavinal is the highlight of the day. The cafe was filled with our laughters and there was a lot of chatting and sharing with one another.