

中法文化交流日 2018-2019 Day 11

Today’s itinerary is so extraordinary! We went to Place de I'Opera which is so grand . After the visit, we discovered the sculptures of many prestigious musicians such as Mozart and Beethoven. Many actors, actresses and ballerinas had once staged performances in it.

The structure of Louvre Museum is magnificent. We are amazed at the design and all pieces of artwork inside the museum. It is impressive to see the Mona Lisa painting because we could appreciate the painting not by our ears only! We had a chance to see the real Mona Lisa’s mysterious smile! How precious!

Among all the sculptures, the sculpture of the Venus is the most amazing. When we looked at the sculpture, we knew a lot of history behind each one. The visit is a fruitful one as it’s like having a live History lesson! The museum is crowded with people but it is still so spacious. To have a complete visit and to appreciate all pieces of artwork, at least we have to spend a few days to visit every room of the museum!

In the evening, we paid a second visit to the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower sits in the heart of Paris and it gives us a completely different feeling day and night. When we finally arrived, we could not stop taking snapshots of this significant landmark. At the same time, we are so blessed to have such an opportunity to go there! Thank you Mr Cazes for his kindness. His generosity makes this trip possible and the whole experience is indeed memorable and unforgettable.