

中法文化交流日 2018-2019 Day 10

Goodbye Pauillac!

Hello Paris!

We finally arrived at Paris this afternoon! This city is amazing and the buildings are magnificent! The whole city is just artistic as everywhere is full of different forms of artwork and performances such as graffiti and street performances. We had a quick sandwich lunch and then dropped our luggages at the youth hostel. After taking a nap at the youth hostel, we strolled along the area of La Seine and had a wonderful dinner in a French style restaurant. We were surprised by a treat of some tasty and high-quality ice cream after dinner, too. There is a wide variety of flavours and some of the flavours cannot be found in Hong Kong. Eating an ice- cream under the heat wave is like a savior for us.

When night approached, we became more and more eager to know what the surprise was as both Mr Lau and Miss Lam mentioned that there would be a big surprise for us. We had been very excited for the whole day and we made wild guesses. Is it a dessert? Is it a special drink? Or is it a cruise trip? Wow! We got it right! It was a cruise trip on La Seine! We nearly screamed! We have never imagined that we could go sightseeing along the river on the cruise ship!