

Meeting with the Cazes family

We had a heartfelt meeting with our long-time friends, the Cazes family, on 29th May. As the new principal, I was honored to welcome Mrs. Cazes and Marina, the founders of our beloved Franco-Chinese Student Exchange Programme.

During the school tour, the Cazes ladies were visibly moved as they revisited the memories captured in our commemorative booklet, the moments shared with our founder of the exchange programme, Mr. Jean-Michel Cazes. We visited the Chateau, played Chinese opera, sang together and shared so many precious memories.

After that, we invited the potential participants of the exchange programme to meet up with the Cazes family. The students extended their warm welcome and gave a hand-made knitted scarf, a portrait of Ms Marina and a painting of Eiffel Tower to Mrs Cazes and Marina.

It was a nice catch up with the Cazes family since the outbreak of pandemic. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the Cazes family again for the hospitality and support to LCP over the past 17 years.